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Showing posts with label theme song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label theme song. Show all posts

Monday, March 18, 2013

One of song on Cinta 7 Susun

The Barbies - Lossaah #cinta7susun by Anda Wardhana on SoundCloud

Bagi yg always ngikutin sinetron Cinta 7 Susun (C7S) pastinya gak asing dong sama Britney, Demi, Selena, Milly a.k.a The Barbies.
Saking The Barbies punya lagu sendiri yg nyindir anak-anak rusun (7ICONS).
Lossaah. Itu lagu mereka. Dan perform The Barbies-nya udah tayang di satu episode C7S.
C'mon! Listen that!

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