Read into your languange

Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Cousin Type Based on Jurnal Risa Team Personnel Characters [PREFACE]

 Hi Readers,

Before you read this post further, let me ask you some questions. And you can answer them only in your mind.

1. Do you have siblings?

2. How close your relationship between you?

3. How many cousins do you have?

4. Who is your cousin close to you?

5. Do you know your cousins well?

6. Can you mention your cousins' image characters?



Have you thought about those questions? And, have you got the answer? If you could answer all of those questions, then I congrats to you. That means you already know your whole—I mean, your cousins well. Congratulations and keep it up! However, if you are still in doubt about one thing, I will give you hints for that. I will sort the type of our cousin personalities which it will probably exist almost big family.



a. I don’t know if every family has some types likely what I post here, but I will reflect the JurnalRisa’s team personnel’s characteristics to my cousins' type;

b. All of the JurnalRisa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, based on what I see from their Youtube video. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.

I hope you enjoy it! ((^.^))

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I will start the number one in SEVEN DAYS starts from today. Stay tuned!

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