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Showing posts with label Tipe Sepupu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tipe Sepupu. Show all posts

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Our Cousin Character Personality - The Boss {Based on #JurnalRisa Team)

   Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I  analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters. 

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube videos. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.


Insipired by Tim Jurnal Risa

1. The Wise Man

2. The Beauty

3. The Random Chatter

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

6. The Boss

In JurnalRisa, she’s the eldest one. However, everyone who has the personality can be hers. Sometimes a person with this characteristic can be a boss in the gang, but they aren’t a bossy type. If people don’t know them well, they may look arrogant and stubborn. But actually, they truly care about each other.


Alright. I already got all six characters of my cousin's personality types. How's it for you?
Let's go telling me in the comment section below. :)


Photo's taken from: 

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Sunday, June 13, 2021

Our Cousin Character - The Lovely Brother (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Characters)

  Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters. 

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube videos. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.


Tipe tipe sepupu

We will go with the fifth character. Here we go! 

1. The Wise Man

2. The Beauty

3. The Random Chatter

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

He is a sweet, lovely, and what a caring brother to his sisters. Even though he doesn’t talk much, but some people think he has a lot of charms to admire. He is eager to learn everything that he never knew it before, and experience it. He is like adventural things. He would be your nice partner in the future!

6. The Boss

Alright. I already got five characters of my cousin's personality types. How's about you?


Photo's taken from IG Nicko Irham (Jurnal Risa)
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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Our Cousin Character - Someone Who Loves Talk Randomly (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Character)

 Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters. 

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube videos. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.


We will go with the third character. Here we go! 

1. The Wise Man

2. The Beauty

3. The Random Chatter

Every big family should have this character. Someone who likes to talk randomly without second or many times of thinking. He may seem to have lots of things in the mind, yet, he covers them by his joke and randomness. You may feel miss his jokes when he is not around you for a while.

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

6. The Boss  

I already got three characters of my cousin's personality types. How's about you?

Pict is taken from IG Abimanyu (Jurnal Risa) 
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Sunday, April 04, 2021

Our Cousin Character - She's The Beauty In The Gang (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Character)

 Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters.  

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube videos. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.

We will go with the second character. Here we go!

1. The Wise Man 

2. The Beauty 

         Everyone loves her because she has a pretty face and beautiful soul. It means, she is not only has a beautiful face, but also she is good and care to each other, no matter they are is her family or friend, but she treats them very well. 

3.  The Random Chatter

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

6. The Boss 

Do you have this kind of character in your big family? Let me know by drop your comment below. 


Pict is taken from IG Riri (Jurnal Risa)

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Sunday, March 07, 2021

Our Cousin Character - He's The Wise Man (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Character)

 Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters. 

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube video. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.

 We will go with the first character. Here we go!

1. The Wise Man 

In Jurnal Risa's video, he’s not the oldest, but he looks the wisest one. Perhaps, it is caused by his style and how he thinks—he looks mature. The other team often makes him their guardian since he has a strong ability to solve a problem. But, he is still an obedient child who listens to their seniors. 

2. The Beauty 

3.  The Random Chatter

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

6. The Boss

Can you get your cousin's character? Let me know by drop your comment below. 

Pict is taken from IG of Angga (JurnalRisa)
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Sunday, February 28, 2021

The Cousin Type Based on Jurnal Risa Team Personnel Characters [PREFACE]

 Hi Readers,

Before you read this post further, let me ask you some questions. And you can answer them only in your mind.

1. Do you have siblings?

2. How close your relationship between you?

3. How many cousins do you have?

4. Who is your cousin close to you?

5. Do you know your cousins well?

6. Can you mention your cousins' image characters?



Have you thought about those questions? And, have you got the answer? If you could answer all of those questions, then I congrats to you. That means you already know your whole—I mean, your cousins well. Congratulations and keep it up! However, if you are still in doubt about one thing, I will give you hints for that. I will sort the type of our cousin personalities which it will probably exist almost big family.



a. I don’t know if every family has some types likely what I post here, but I will reflect the JurnalRisa’s team personnel’s characteristics to my cousins' type;

b. All of the JurnalRisa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, based on what I see from their Youtube video. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.

I hope you enjoy it! ((^.^))

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I will start the number one in SEVEN DAYS starts from today. Stay tuned!

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