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Sunday, April 18, 2021

Our Cousin Character - Someone Who Loves Talk Randomly (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Character)

 Hi, everyone! Welcome! 

Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters. 

Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube videos. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.


We will go with the third character. Here we go! 

1. The Wise Man

2. The Beauty

3. The Random Chatter

Every big family should have this character. Someone who likes to talk randomly without second or many times of thinking. He may seem to have lots of things in the mind, yet, he covers them by his joke and randomness. You may feel miss his jokes when he is not around you for a while.

4. The Most Fashionable One

5. The Lovely Brother

6. The Boss  

I already got three characters of my cousin's personality types. How's about you?

Pict is taken from IG Abimanyu (Jurnal Risa) 
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