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Showing posts with the label youtubers

Six Youtube Channels You Should Watch Their Videos - They're So Inspring

** [ Turn ON your translate button on your desktop because we will post in Indonesian ] ** Selamat Tahun Baru 2022 untuk semuanya!  Semoga ditahun baru ini membawa semangat baru bagi kita untuk berkarya lebih giat dan meraih mimpi dan cita-cita yang belum terwujud ditahun sebelumnya. Stay safe and keep healthy everyone! Sebagai judul pembuka diawal tahun ini aku akan merekomendasikan beberapa channel Youtube yang buatku pribadi sangat menginspirasi--maksudnya, mampu membuka mata untuk lihat dunia lebih luas. Dari semua video-video Youtube yang kutonton selama satu tahun belakangan, aku merangkum beberapa video (hopefully, I pick them up based on their own genre).  Baca juga: Six Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Job Position?   Sejak dulu, dari masa sekolah aku suka sekali dengan pelajaran Sejarah. Saking suka dengan mata pelajaran itu, hingga kini didalam hatipun aku merasa berterimakasih sekali dengan guru-guru Sejarah yang pernah mengajar disekolah mulai dari SD, SMP, hingga SMA. Aku

Our Cousin Character - He's The Wise Man (Based on #JurnalRisa Team Character)

 Hi, everyone! Welcome!  Likely what I have posted before that I will post, no, I will tell you some types of our cousins'  personalities. So, I have watched all of Jurnal Risa's youtube videos, and from that, I got analyzed the character that could be exist in our big family. I have six kinds of personalities that refer to the Jurnal Risa Team's characters.  Disclaimer: All of the Jurnal Risa’s team personnel’s characteristics who I summarize here, are based on what I see from their Youtube video. So, it can’t be truly exact within their native personality behind the camera off.   We will go with the first character. Here we go! 1. The Wise Man   In Jurnal Risa's video, he’s not the oldest, but he looks the wisest one. Perhaps, it is caused by his style and how he thinks—he looks mature. The other team often makes him their guardian since he has a strong ability to solve a problem. But, he is still an obedient child who listens to their seniors.  2. The Beauty  3.  The