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Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Six Reasons Why You Should Keep Your Job #2022insight

 Hey, it is me, Ally. 

Without we realize the year 2021 will be going over in about a month or four weeks more. Let’s rethink together. Have we done our resolution that we made in early 2021 or late 2020? I will give you some seconds to think about it before you continue to read this article.

                                                 A good company will give you these benefits

Now, I am going to discuss a topic with you about our work-life because some people say there is a company or organization that has a toxic community. Is it? Because I don’t trust it fully. So, I want to gain some opinion from you. Drop yours about it in the comment column below. Let’s discuss it.

 Speaking on the side of HR perspective, a good company is a company that makes the employees build their skills better than they have before entering the company. Also, at the moment the employee could proudly mention where they are working, it is a success story for HR Personnel as the result they had to succeed to build the employee branding outside the company.

 Hereby, I give you five insights based on my honest opinion about the good reputation of the company. You aren’t allowed to leave the organization if it gives you these things.


Also, Read: Dear Boss, what does your new employee think about the company?


The management gives you what they offer, just like when you got in the early interview phase

A work contract is your agreement with the organization's management. You should make sure that you get some information related to your existence in the organization. A work contract would tell you about your work period, employee status, the job description, and the rule that you must follow, it also tells you about your right after completing your tasks well. Furthermore, your negotiated salary would be there, as well.


The boss knows how to treat the employee well

Most of us would look for the kind-hearted boss, wouldn’t we?

In my opinion, A Kind-hearted Boss is a boss who acts fairly in the organization. A Wise Boss would put them in the right position based on their qualified skill. Of course, it would relate to the job you run daily to achieve the company's goals. A Wise Boss would also consider your next career level if you show good performances in some periods.

They push you to increase your skill more

The Great Boss will ask you for more tasks to push your skill. In another word, you should break your limit to the next level. You won’t only get more paid, you’ll also get more experience. Challenge it, guys!


Read: The Advantage of Having an Independent HR Personnel 


The HR Department runs its function well

We can say a company that has an independent HR Department, would guarantee the employee branding to the public and make employees say proudly where they work. Click the link above to read some advantages for the company and employees to have an independent HR Department.


You don’t have a community who gossip each other behind

Besides HR matters, anyone doesn't have a right to talk about another employee behind them. It can make some assumptions among the insiders. It is a good thing when you spread the good news. But, what if it comes to the bad news is also spread loud. Just think whether your personal pieces of stuff are being rumored. Oh, I see. It may be called a toxic relationship.


We know we can't get all of these things in the same place. However, if you get all of them in your current workplace, I congratulate you. Keep it well and always work properly.

You don’t see those things in your recent work? Don’t worry, let’s consider it. At least, it gives you three of them. That’s why you still keep your job position.




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