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Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Bicara (Speak Up). by Abimanyu Bhakti (English lyric Translation)


Kakang Abimanyu Jurnal Risa

Berpikir tentang apa yang selalu terjadi

I’m thinking about what have been done recently

Berulang kali terulang lagi

For many times


Kurancang imaji bersamamu kuberlari

I build an image to run with you

Dan kau berhenti tanpa pasti

And, you stop unsurely


*Tertulis sebuah rangkai cerita

*It is written a story plot

Haruskah sirna

Should it be erased

Karena sesuatu yang tak terbaca?

Because of something unread?


Tak perlu memberi segalanya

You don’t need to give everything

Hanya waktumu saja

Just give your time

Makanya menepilah 'tuk bicara

So, step aside and we have a chat


Tentang hadirku,

Speaking about my existance,

Masih berartikah bagimu?

Is it still be worthy for you?



Please, listen…


Terbaring sejenak terdiam kuterpaku

Lying down, and I fall silent for a while

Melihat tuju yang semakin jauh

Seeing our destination is getting far away

Jalani sesuatu yang se-becanda itu

Doing something as a joke

Apa kau tahu kusemakin ragu?

Do you know that I’m getting doubt?


*Tertulis sebuah rangkai cerita

*It is written a story plot

Haruskah sirna

Should it be erased

Karena sesuatu yang tak terbaca?

Because of something unread?


Tak perlu memberi segalanya

You don’t need to give everything

Hanya waktumu saja

Just give your time

Makanya menepilah 'tuk bicara

So, step aside and we have a chat


Original lyric video of Bicara (Speak Up) to be clicked 

Don't know what to read next? You can read Our Cousin Personalities Character: The Random Chatter here :)

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