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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Restu - Syahrini (Song Lyric Translation)

Restu, Your Wedding Song List

Song: Restu ( Bless )
Singer: Syahrini

Listen here

Pertama perjumpaan tak sengaja

At the beginning of our accidental meeting

Menyimpan ruang rindu saat senja

Keep our longing space when nightfall comes

Ku tak ingin seperti lagu-lagu cinta

I don’t want to be like the love songs

Hanya indah dalam permainan kata

Which only have beautiful words

*Kepada yang tercinta,

*To my lovely,

Dan hanya untukmu cinta

And, it is only for you, my love,

Sampai kapan menunggu cinta?

How long will I wait for the love?

Kuyakin kau yang paling nyata

I believe that you are the most real one

Hanya kau yang dihati

You are the only one in my heart

Meski waktu lamban peduli

Even though time cares slowly

Jasmaniku teguh menanti

My bodily is waiting persistently

Sampai restu berpihak kepadaku.

Until the blessing is on my side.


**Asmara, kupeluk semua rasa ini

**Love, I embrace all of these feelings

Wajahmu, mampu menghangatkan rasa dingin

Your face is able to warm the cold thing

Oh, denganmu tak pernah kurasa jadi rumit

Oh, I never think hard when you are with me

Bahagia sehingga terlukis dilangit

I am happy and it paints in the sky

( Kembali ke * )

( back to * )

Dan restu berpihak padaku…

And, the blessing is on my side…


On my side…

*Kepada yang tercinta,

*To my lovely,

Dan hanya untukmu cinta

And, it is only for you, my love,

Sampai kapan menunggu cinta?

How long will I wait for the love?

Kuyakin kau yang paling nyata

I believe that you are the most real one

Hanya kau yang dihati

You are the only one in my heart

Meski waktu lamban peduli

Even though time cares slowly

Jasmaniku teguh menanti

My bodily is waiting persistently

Sampai restu berpihak kepadaku.

Until the bless is on my side.

Dan restu berpihak padaku…

And, the blessing is on my side…

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