Read into your languange

Monday, April 26, 2021

Happy Birthday!


Hey, listen up. 

How old are you now? 

How's your life going recently? Is it what you want? 

What was your childhood dream? What is your dream now? What type of person do you want to be?

Have you forgiven your past? Have you forgotten about it?

Have you released the man from your past out of your mind and your heart?

Can you let someone new stay by your side and replace him?


I know that you already had those questions' answers. I also know that you knew what you should do. But, the thing is, have you work on it? 

The past is already over. We shouldn't bring anything bad lucks to the present, moreover to the future. Leave them in a place where you got them. Stand up, walk again and never look back again. Remember, we can not have a beautiful rainbow without a heavy storm before. We can not get tougher without some words from people. So, just make it a lesson to grow up in the future. It's okay to make some mistakes. People make mistakes to grow up, as well. Learn from other people's mistakes because the best lesson is got learned from other people's mistakes, the wise people ever said that. 


Now you know that you are growing up. You know that you ever experienced the quarter crisis. I know you almost lost your identity, lost your motivation to standing up and running again. Yet, I know you're starting to move on. You are learning from your mistakes. You are great since you know what you should do for the second. 


Keep these words in your heart: someone will come over you, asking your mom and dad to pursue politely, he will make you encouraging, he will listen to your happiness and your burdens, like what you are dreaming of all the time. 


Lift your face. See people around you who become outstanding supporters for you. Don't look at other people who can't stand by with you at your lowest point, but stay with the loved ones who encouraged you so much. Then, make them happy with your achievements. 

Good luck, and happy birthday! 


Yingshan & Youxi 

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