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Sunday, October 27, 2024

32 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME | Alika #blogsocialdiary


You Should Know About #blogsocialdiary
Edited by Canva | @blogsocialdiary 

Why it should be 32? 

It is because I am turning 32 this year. Welcome To 30's Club!

Here they are!

1. I was born on the most beautiful island in Indonesia. 

2. I have a lot of stories on this island.

3. I guess I dropped my first love at first sight on the island. He was one of my classmates in the English course class.  

4. I am truly Indonesian—I am a half-bleed of Javanese and Sundanese. 

5. Religion? Let’s be a friend without asking about it. 

6. Some Taurus traits define me so much.

Image is taken from Openverse | The Rock Bar Bali

7. When I was young, my parents put me in some courses (math, language, etc.) but, I am only interested in language.

8. In junior high school, my English final test probation was higher than my Indonesian score. I got scolded by my mom because of it. (Of course, at the time I thought English was easier than my own native language);

9. Also, in junior high school, I studied Japanese for a very short time. I learned it because of FOMO (if that phrase existed in 2005). 

10. I have studied in two different types of schools (the state and private schools); 

11. When I was in a religious private school, I learned more about tolerance. It was so much fun since I got friends from any religious state, and we never made it a big problem!  

12. I had a friend who was always in the same school (since I was on the island and Java). It was accidental, but it will be a fun fact to remember forever! 

Image is taken from Openverse | school life, now a memory

13. I got my first glasses in the first grade of senior high school. The minus scale in my glasses ranges from approximately -1.50 to -1.25. 

14. It seemed I was an introverted person since I was young; 

15. I did not have many friends in high school. I was busy finding my real adolescent identity. Also, what truly my passion is;

16. My passion is about the literature. Yes, it is Indonesian literature. I started to love to notice my Indonesian teacher taught it. I loved it more than when she taught me about grammar things. (I am sorry, Madam.);

17. I joined the Indonesian literature intra-curricular class. I enjoyed making the short film, making a script, and discussing it with my teammate and the teacher. 

18. I have just found that my hobby is writing. I started to write a Fan-Fiction.

Image is taken from Openverse | Introverts march in the streets

19. My first Fan Fiction comes from my favorite contestants from Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI). Now, I am feeling ashamed to recall that fan fiction. (LOL) 

20. After writing Fan Fiction, I started to write short stories about adolescent friendship: adventure, friendship-romantic themed. 

21. When I was in the university, I got a chance to join a writing short course. It was my big dream to dare! From that moment, I never expected I would meet many friends who are interested in books and writing, and they are also authors! 

22. Because of that writing short course, the alumni formed a reading community. Our “Oldman” said a reading community is needed to support us—he means if there are no readers who would get our published book one day? However, The COVID-19 pandemic made our community go down. We were inactive. ☹

Image is taken from Openverse | book

23. Since the First Love I met in junior high school, I never fell in love again until I met him in 2012. He was my senior in our English class. We are from two different universities.

24. He wasn’t my first love however he was the one who I think that he is my first love. 

25. Actually, my favorite type of man is different from his looks. But, I also don’t expect that I could fall for him so badly. 

26. I didn’t regret it. I made it as a lesson for my future love-life in the future. I won’t give anyone to pursue myself if I still have another feeling haven’t finished yet to another man. I won’t make a similar mistake twice. 

27. I met my Ex when we were in the university. To be exact, when we did our pre-final thesis as our university requirement for taking the next step in the university—thesis. 

Image is taken from Openverse | robot love

28. However, my Ex has nothing special compared to my crush who I had met in the English course outside the campus. (Eh, could I insist on calling him a Crush? We even didn’t to each other much) 

29. I feel sorry to my Ex in that moment. 

30. From 2011 to recent days, I have kept in contact with my close friends, some Super Girls who turned into Super Women now, I have met them as fans of one of the Indonesian boy groups. Now, I never feel ashamed anymore that I have liked SM*SH. Because of it, I have the Super Girls until now! Thanks, our heroes! 

31. I even imagined that one day, on my wedding day my Super Girls could be my bride-maids. Hopefully. 

32. My Other 7-Super Girls haven’t known yet about the man I met in my English class until now. I only keep his face, his shadow alone by myself. All of my best prayers go to him even though I am not on his side (for now). 

Image is taken from Openverse | Thank You!

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