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Showing posts with label #blogsocialdiary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label #blogsocialdiary. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2024

32 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME | Alika #blogsocialdiary


You Should Know About #blogsocialdiary
Edited by Canva | @blogsocialdiary 

Why it should be 32? 

It is because I am turning 32 this year. Welcome To 30's Club!

Here they are!

1. I was born on the most beautiful island in Indonesia. 

2. I have a lot of stories on this island.

3. I guess I dropped my first love at first sight on the island. He was one of my classmates in the English course class.  

4. I am truly Indonesian—I am a half-bleed of Javanese and Sundanese. 

5. Religion? Let’s be a friend without asking about it. 

6. Some Taurus traits define me so much.

Image is taken from Openverse | The Rock Bar Bali

7. When I was young, my parents put me in some courses (math, language, etc.) but, I am only interested in language.

8. In junior high school, my English final test probation was higher than my Indonesian score. I got scolded by my mom because of it. (Of course, at the time I thought English was easier than my own native language);

9. Also, in junior high school, I studied Japanese for a very short time. I learned it because of FOMO (if that phrase existed in 2005). 

10. I have studied in two different types of schools (the state and private schools); 

11. When I was in a religious private school, I learned more about tolerance. It was so much fun since I got friends from any religious state, and we never made it a big problem!  

12. I had a friend who was always in the same school (since I was on the island and Java). It was accidental, but it will be a fun fact to remember forever! 

Image is taken from Openverse | school life, now a memory

13. I got my first glasses in the first grade of senior high school. The minus scale in my glasses ranges from approximately -1.50 to -1.25. 

14. It seemed I was an introverted person since I was young; 

15. I did not have many friends in high school. I was busy finding my real adolescent identity. Also, what truly my passion is;

16. My passion is about the literature. Yes, it is Indonesian literature. I started to love to notice my Indonesian teacher taught it. I loved it more than when she taught me about grammar things. (I am sorry, Madam.);

17. I joined the Indonesian literature intra-curricular class. I enjoyed making the short film, making a script, and discussing it with my teammate and the teacher. 

18. I have just found that my hobby is writing. I started to write a Fan-Fiction.

Image is taken from Openverse | Introverts march in the streets

19. My first Fan Fiction comes from my favorite contestants from Akademi Fantasi Indosiar (AFI). Now, I am feeling ashamed to recall that fan fiction. (LOL) 

20. After writing Fan Fiction, I started to write short stories about adolescent friendship: adventure, friendship-romantic themed. 

21. When I was in the university, I got a chance to join a writing short course. It was my big dream to dare! From that moment, I never expected I would meet many friends who are interested in books and writing, and they are also authors! 

22. Because of that writing short course, the alumni formed a reading community. Our “Oldman” said a reading community is needed to support us—he means if there are no readers who would get our published book one day? However, The COVID-19 pandemic made our community go down. We were inactive. ☹

Image is taken from Openverse | book

23. Since the First Love I met in junior high school, I never fell in love again until I met him in 2012. He was my senior in our English class. We are from two different universities.

24. He wasn’t my first love however he was the one who I think that he is my first love. 

25. Actually, my favorite type of man is different from his looks. But, I also don’t expect that I could fall for him so badly. 

26. I didn’t regret it. I made it as a lesson for my future love-life in the future. I won’t give anyone to pursue myself if I still have another feeling haven’t finished yet to another man. I won’t make a similar mistake twice. 

27. I met my Ex when we were in the university. To be exact, when we did our pre-final thesis as our university requirement for taking the next step in the university—thesis. 

Image is taken from Openverse | robot love

28. However, my Ex has nothing special compared to my crush who I had met in the English course outside the campus. (Eh, could I insist on calling him a Crush? We even didn’t to each other much) 

29. I feel sorry to my Ex in that moment. 

30. From 2011 to recent days, I have kept in contact with my close friends, some Super Girls who turned into Super Women now, I have met them as fans of one of the Indonesian boy groups. Now, I never feel ashamed anymore that I have liked SM*SH. Because of it, I have the Super Girls until now! Thanks, our heroes! 

31. I even imagined that one day, on my wedding day my Super Girls could be my bride-maids. Hopefully. 

32. My Other 7-Super Girls haven’t known yet about the man I met in my English class until now. I only keep his face, his shadow alone by myself. All of my best prayers go to him even though I am not on his side (for now). 

Image is taken from Openverse | Thank You!

Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Pernikahan Impian - Anandito Dwis, Anisa Rahma (Lirik)

Title: A Dream Wedding (Original tittle: Pernikahan Impian

Presented by Anandito Dwis and Anisa Rahma 

Translated by Alika Gustiari

Pernikahan Impian - Anandito Dwis, Anisa Rahma  the couple goal
Edited by Canva

Terjemahan lirik yang sudah diposting: Istirahatlah, oleh Abimanyu Bhakti

Mentari pagi tersenyum tenangkan hati

The sunshine smiles to calm the heart

Sebuah kisah akhirnya berakhir indah

Finally, a story ends beautiful

Doa rinduku terjawab karena hadirmu

My missing prayer has been answered because of your existence

Kita bersama melangkah bahagia

We are stepping together happily

Meski kita dipertemukan tak sengaja

Even though we met accidentally

Tapi kuyakin rencana-Nya yang terindah

But I am sure His planning is the worth

Untuk kita lewatinya

For us to through together


( * )

Aku menikahimu karena Allah mau

I am marrying you because Allah wants to

Telah lama kumenanti kehadiranmu dihati

I have waited so long for your presence in my heart

Aku menikahimu karena cinta sejati

I am marrying you because of true love

Ada dalam pernikahan impianku bersanding denganmu

There is my dream wedding to be with you


Kita ‘kan saling menguatkan

We are going to encourage each other

Bersama-sama membangun cinta

To build our love together

Meniti jalan ridho-Nya

To step forward and reach His blessing


Kembali ke (*)

Back to (*)

Also, Read: Favorite quote from Stephanie Zen's book

Monday, January 31, 2022

How I Start To Fall In Love with Learning Languages


How to start learning a new language

When I entered the third grade in elementary school I got a new lesson. I and my schoolmates got English in the third-grade elementary school. My mother thought I should get another class to improve my English since my parents are not fluent enough to teach me. They sent me to the course class.

I still remember the first course where I learned English. I do not remember the course’s business name. It was a small class in my hometown. A small class in a small house-building to run the business made me know how beautiful it is (to start to learn English)! However, I cannot find the building name picture in the Google Maps Image to attach here. Also, I cannot recall who tutors had taught me English at the time. I insist thank them for making me understand English on my first way to learn it. Thank you so much, all of my tutors.


Read: 2017, the year that changed me 

A couple of years later, my mother asked me to join a better class;. It had better facilities and more tutors. Recently, I just realized the new course might be more expensive than the old one. My parents did it for my future. Yup, I got more friends when I studied there. The circumstance was great and all tutors were experienced. We weren’t only studying, but also played some games or quizzes related to the lesson in the class.

Oh, the beautiful moment I could not forget when they held a study tour to one of the beautiful beaches on the island. I cannot forget the moment we played and studied at the same time. It was a nice moment. If I could replay the moment, I would memorize all of my classmates' names who joined there, then I google them and get the contact. I wish…

When I entered high school later, I moved to the English class near my school and my house location. A simple personal computer came to the era. I remember about it since we—I and my classmates played the computer games on it while we were waiting for our tutor to come to class. Basically, when I started to learn English as my new language, at the same time I also got new friends. So, it was encouraged me to join the class again and again. At that age, I thought that learning a new language and joining the course could make me have lots of friends outside the school. Additionally, here I got the first man who I admired.

Speaking of a person who I admire, eight years later since I found the first one, I had met the second one. Hehehe. The person is really something for me. So, I can’t move on easily from him. Still, I met him in the English class. That’s way led me to love learning English more.


Also, read: This is about my hobby and official work

I used to live and study in the surrounding area where full of foreigners come and enjoy their holiday there. I had known that English and some foreign languages are very useful in our daily life earlier. Besides taking English classes outside the school, I also take Japanese in additional classes in the school. Unfortunately, in the new school where I and my family had moved in, I didn’t find another languages class except the English class. So, I missed my interest in Japanese at the time.

Luckily, then I found other languages to learn again. It’s Chinese. I wanted to learn Chinese because I was addicted to the Taiwan series. I watched Meteor Garden and Romantic Princess which stole my attention so much. But, the city didn’t have many places to join the Chinese course like what I found in the previous city before.

I keep learning English with my classmates in the course class. However, currently, I only sharpen my skill of writing by writing some opinions in English, posting in on the blog, and watching online videos on youtube to enrich my vocabulary. Also, I look for some partners to practice my verbal skill. Anyone? Hehehe. 

Here is all of my story about how I started to learn new languages. I'll see you in another title of the post. 

Thank you for visiting #blogsocialdiary. 



Recent post: 

Hahaha. by Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas (Indonesian-English  Lyric Translation)

Monday, August 09, 2021

About Writing and Office Life

Hi, Readers! Now, see what I am going to tell you here. 


I am currently working in the office of the building construction planner and design. Yes, I am an-8 to 5 society. I work from Monday to Friday. Everyday. Every day I run the same chores on repeat. Can you imagine sometimes it could be a boring day? I think some of you may have a similar situation with me, don't you? Just answer it in your heart, dear. :)

What a busy week! Speaking truthfully, I need a friend to talk with after the working hour. I mean not everything I can tell my family about the company, especially my parents. Because I know it probably will make them worry. I decided to keep it by myself. The only friend I have is a diary book. I can throw up all about my feeling throughout the day. I used to write it in a book. Now, the digital era has changed it. I have an electronic diary on my smartphone. Thanks to technology! 

Honestly, I am interested in writing and have a dream to be an author. Now, I'm struggling hard to publish my first novel draft. Wish me luck :). Sometimes, I just assume that my characters on it are real. I keep thinking them on my mind. Talking to myself just like I have some to talk with. 

This kind of my hobby brings me here to show you some experiences I had before. Because I think when I'm telling my experiences I wish some people could learn something from it. Jack Ma said that the best teacher is learning from other people's mistakes. Do better than other people have done. I hope you get something good from this simple blog and thank you for visiting.

I will not make the hobby only like a hobby that I do in my spare time. I need to grow it up as I try to grow my level up in the company. I mean, my interest in writing should go higher as my carrier in the Finance/Administration section. Also, I don't mean to switch income from the previous one. But, if there is a way to do it, I will not deny it :). I cannot close the door for something would come to me in the future. 

I am sorry if you still see incorrect words or grammar here because I also still learning English. Since English is not my mother tongue. I am not a native of it. Give your comment below to make me improve it. Thank you.

Youxi, Yingshan, and all of my characters

I want he knows I am still here waiting for him to find this simple #blogsocialdiary. He should know I am on my way to be The New Version of Alika. He should know a character who I create because of him. Let Charly Abraham and Mutiara tell about him later. 


Ally ^^

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