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Showing posts with label Indonesian lyric song. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Indonesian lyric song. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Kekasih Impian (The Dream Lover) - Indonesian-English Lyric Translation

Click here to see the beautiful love-life journey of Natta Reza and Wardah Maulina 💕

Lirik lagu Kekasih Impian - Natta Reza
Kekasih Impian (cover edited by Canva)

Original title: Kekasih Impian 
Translation: The Dream Lover 
Presented by Natta Reza


Aku tak pernah meminta

I never ask

Sosok pendamping sempurna

For a perfect companion

Cukup dia yang selalu sabar menemani dalam kekuranganku

She, who always be patient to accompany me in my incompleteness is enough


Namun Tuhan menghadirkan

But God presents to me

Kamu wanita terhebat

You are the amazing woman

Kuat tak pernah mengeluh

The enormous one, who never complain

Bahagiaku selalu bersamamu

My happiness is always being with you



Andai ada keajaiban

If there is a miracle

Ingin kuukirkan

I want to make an engraving

Namamu diatas bintang-bintang angkasa

Your name above the stars in the sky

Agar semua tahu

So, everyone will know

Kau berarti untukku

You are so mean for me

Selama-lama kamu milikku

You belong to me forever


Kini telah kubuktikan

Now, I have already proven that

Kamu pendamping setia

You are a faithful companion

Kuat tak pernah mengeluh

The strong woman, who is never to complain

Bahagiaku bersamamu

My happiness is being with you


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Namun kusadari diriku

However, I realize

Takkan mampu selalu

I am not as always could

Bahagiakan kamu

Make you are happy

Tapi akan kuperjuangkan

But I am going to struggle up

Untukmu yang terhebat

For you the amazing one

Kekasih impian

(My) dream lover


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Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Pernikahan Impian - Anandito Dwis, Anisa Rahma (Lirik)

Title: A Dream Wedding (Original tittle: Pernikahan Impian

Presented by Anandito Dwis and Anisa Rahma 

Translated by Alika Gustiari

Pernikahan Impian - Anandito Dwis, Anisa Rahma  the couple goal
Edited by Canva

Terjemahan lirik yang sudah diposting: Istirahatlah, oleh Abimanyu Bhakti

Mentari pagi tersenyum tenangkan hati

The sunshine smiles to calm the heart

Sebuah kisah akhirnya berakhir indah

Finally, a story ends beautiful

Doa rinduku terjawab karena hadirmu

My missing prayer has been answered because of your existence

Kita bersama melangkah bahagia

We are stepping together happily

Meski kita dipertemukan tak sengaja

Even though we met accidentally

Tapi kuyakin rencana-Nya yang terindah

But I am sure His planning is the worth

Untuk kita lewatinya

For us to through together


( * )

Aku menikahimu karena Allah mau

I am marrying you because Allah wants to

Telah lama kumenanti kehadiranmu dihati

I have waited so long for your presence in my heart

Aku menikahimu karena cinta sejati

I am marrying you because of true love

Ada dalam pernikahan impianku bersanding denganmu

There is my dream wedding to be with you


Kita ‘kan saling menguatkan

We are going to encourage each other

Bersama-sama membangun cinta

To build our love together

Meniti jalan ridho-Nya

To step forward and reach His blessing


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Also, Read: Favorite quote from Stephanie Zen's book

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Aku Bukan Jodohnya, by Tri Suaka (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)


Lirik lagu Aku Bukan Jodohnya - Tri Suaka

Original title: Aku Bukan Jodohnya 

(English translation: I Am Not Her Soulmate

Had Presented by: Tri Suaka

Ini salahku,

It’s my fault

Terlalu memikirkan egoku

I think all about my desire over

Tak mampu buatmu nyaman bersanding denganku

I could not make you feel comfort with me

Hingga kau tinggalkan aku

So, you left me


Terlambat sudah,

It has been late,

Kini kau sudah menemukan dia

Now, you already find himself

Seseorang yang mampu membuatmu bahagia

A man who is able make you being happy

Kuikhlas kau bersanding dengan dia

I am sincere to see you with him


*Aku titipkan dia

I pass her to him

Lanjutkan perjuanganku ‘tuknya,

Please, continue my struggle for her,

Bahagiakan dia, kau sayangi dia

Please, make her happy, you should loves her

Seperti aku menyanyanginya

Likely I loved her

‘Kan kuikhlaskan dia

I will being sincere about her

Tak pantas kubersanding dengannya

I am improper to be with her

‘Kan kuterima dengan lapang dada

I will take it gracefully

Aku bukan jodohmu

I am not her soulmate


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- Credits: 



What I've posted before

Quote from the book A Week to Forever, by Stephanie Zen

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

HAHAHA, By Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)


HAHAHA - Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas

Kata orang hidup cuma sekali 

People said life is only once

Sekali-sekali bisa susah 

Once we are in the hard times

Kala hidup tak mudah

When life becomes uneasy

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

*Memang benar hidup cuma sekali 

That’s right, life is only once

Dua tiga kali salah langkah

Two times, three times we got into wrong direction

Kala ingin menyerah,

When you think to give up

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

Jangan marah…

Don’t get mad…

**Hai, tersenyumlah...

Hi, keep smiling…

Meski tak mudah

Although this isn’t easy

Karena bahagia sesederhana 

Because being happy is as simple as

Tertawa, hahaha 

Be laughing, hahaha

Sudah, sudah jangan marah-marah 

Well, alright, don’t get mad

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Thanks to Youtube and Canva

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Kaktus, by Suara Kayu (English Lyric Translation)



Presented by Suara Kayu

Lirik Suara Kayu - Kaktus

Kita sudah kenal lama

We have know for long time

Seperti kakak adik

Like a brother and sister

Apakah kita hanya segini saja?

Are  we just like this?


*Aku ingin buat kamu tertawaku bersamaku

I want to make you laugh together with me

Karna kata mereka tertawa bisa bikin sayang

Because they say laughing together could become my dear


**Tapi, apa yang telah terjadi?

But, what have done?

Lihat tawamu, ku yang menjadi sayang kepadamu

Seeing your laugh, I start to love you


***Ikan apa yang terindah?

Ikan apa yang terindah? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of fish?)

Ikannot live without you in my life

I can not live without in my life (Read in Indonesian poetic words: Ikan not live without you in my life)

Ayam apa yang termanis?

Ayam apa yang termanis? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of the chick?)

I am falling in love with you

I am falling in love with you (Read in Indonesian poetic words: I am (sounds like “ayam”) falling in love with you)


Aku ingin kamu tahu

I only want you to know

Semua rasaku kepadamu

All of my feelings I have for you

Kutak ingin menjadi kaktus

I don’t want to be a “Cactus”  (it’s a short for the meaning a boy and girl who don’t involve in any relationship and just end up in brother and sister zone)

Kakak adik tanpa status..

A brother and sister without any status…



*Aku ingin buat kamu tertawaku bersamaku

I want to make you laughing togther with me

Karna kata mereka tertawa bisa bikin sayang

Because they say laughing together could become my dear

**Tapi, apa yang telah terjadi?

But, what has been done?

Lihat tawamu, ku yang menjadi sayang kepadamu

Seeing your laugh, I start to love you


***Ikan apa yang terindah?

Ikan apa yang terindah? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of fish?)

Ikannot live without you in my life

I can not live without in my life (Read in Indonesian poetic words: Ikan not live without you in my life)

Ayam apa yang termanis?

Ayam apa yang termanis? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of the chick?)

I am falling in love with you

I am falling in love with you (Read in Indonesian poetic words: I am (sounds like “ayam”) falling in love with you)


Aku ingin kamu tahu

I only want you to know

Semua rasaku kepadamu

All of my feelings I have for you

Kutak ingin menjadi kaktus

I don’t want to be a “Kaktus”  (it’s short for the meaning a boy and girl who don’t involve in any relationship and just end up in brother and sister zone)

Kakak adik tanpa status..

A brother and sister without any status…

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Mata-Mata Harimu, by Ziva Magnolya (Song Lyric English Translation - A Spy in Your Days)

Hey, what's up everybody? It has so long time I didn't post something here. I've tried to make draft for some posts, but I just didn't have much time to released. So, I realize that I can only release them one by one, or at least one post in a month (well, hopefully). 

Then, right now I am still wanting to practing my English skill within making some English song lyric translation of Indonesian's pop music. After you read this one, you can continue to scroll down the #blogsocialdiary page to get another lyric translation.I've written for Sejauh Dua Benua (As Far As Two Continents), by Arsy Widanto&Brisia Jodie; and also, Terpisah Jarak dan Waktu (Separated By The Distance and Time), by Langit Sore

Alright. This time I am going to post one of Indonesian lysrc song that I've translated into English words. I hope you still get the meaning of the song. 

It is sung by Ziva Magnolya, one of the Top 3 Finalist Indonesian Idol 2020. It has a tittle, as you seen on  the blog post tittle, Mata-Mata Harimu. It tells about a girl who admires a guy ans she keeps following his steps in along her days just because she feels she got pleased by seeing him even though she can only see him in a distance, but she hopes that someday they will meet somewhere. 

Song-lyric English Translation

Taken from: Mata-mata Harimu, dinyanyikan oleh Ziva Magnolya

(Translation: A Spy of Your Days)

Kuterpaku memandangmu meskipun kau tak didepanku

( Eng: I am stilled when I stared at you, even if you aren’t in front of me)

Kumenunggu adakah dirimu hadir lagi dihariku

( Eng: I am waiting if  there you are along my day again)

Melihat senyum yang bukan untukku

( Eng: Had seeing the smile that isn’t for me)

Cukup membuatku merasa didekatmu

( Eng: is  enough to make me getting closer to you)


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)


Kumenunggu adakah dirimu hadir lagi dihariku

( Eng: I am waiting if  there you are along my day again)

Melihat senyum yang bukan untukku

( Eng: Had seeing the smile that isn’t for me)

Cukup membuatku merasa didekatmu

( Eng: is  enough to make me getting closer to you)


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)


Meskipun kutahu dirimu

(Eng: Even if I know that you  )

Tak tahu adanya diriku

(Eng: don’t know there is mine )

Kuberharap kita ‘kan bertemu

(Eng:  I hope we will have a meeting )


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)

 ‘Tuk menjadi mata, mata harimu

(Eng: For being your eyes, your sunny day )

Watch Ziva Magnolya's official MV - A Spy in Your Days (Mata-Mata Harimu) by clicking this link.

Thank you for showing your nicest smile to me and let me always getting know of the best of your in my days, my-dear-idol-prince. 

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sejauh Dua Benua (Arsy Widianto, Brisia Jodie) English Lyric Translation (As Far As Two Continents)

Image template by Canva

Dajia hao!
Hello everyone!

It's my really really first blogpost to translate an Indonesian lyric song into English translation. Hopefully, it is not just the first and the last to update the English translation. I hope I can translate more Indonesian lyric song into English (or, I also can add the pinyin Mandarin..).

Actually, I didn't find out this song to translate first on purpose. I just think there is another song I would translate for the beginning. Yet, because of the old friend of mine is coming up in my mind recently, again, and again. I am starting to miss him so much again. I know he may don't remember me at all.
Well, I know that.
Because we used to only meet for about a month. Alright, never mind. I only want to let him know that even he just came a while at that time, but there was such an unforgattable meeting with him in the class.

I've shared the story how I met him before, within my fanfiction story here.

Okay, I'm done with the preface. Now, I'll continue to the main point.

Check for the official its official video first, you can click on new tab this one.

As Far As Two Continents (Indonesian original tittle called by Sejauh Dua Benua) tells about a young couple, say it, they are undergraduated students who are only have one choice to have a long distance relationship between two countries and two continents, because the young man is going to take his study in UK. After a few months, the young lady starts to miss her beloved one's. She looks for the flight to meet him, and release their longing.

The song is originally presented by Arsy Widianto (a son of Indonesian master composer, Yovie Widianto) featuring Brisia Jodie (the contestant of Indonesian Idol season 2017).

Here's the English lyric translation:

Indonesian lyric and English translation

Sejauh Dua Benua (Arsy Widianto, Brisia Jodie)
(Courtesy: Sejauh Dua Benua's official lyric video)

As Far As Two Continents

My dear,
Aku ‘kan pergi
I’ll go                   
Jauh darimu, jauh dari pelukmu
Away from you, and away from your embrace
Tapi kuharus begitu tuk masa depan
Yet I should do, it’s for our future
Percayalah padaku…
Please believe on me…

Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserves for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you are as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

My dear,
Sesungguhnya dalam hatiku tak pernah ingin jauh
For the matter my heart never wants to go far away from you
Tapi bila memang begitu
Yet if this is so,
Itu maumu, kuserahkan padamu.
That’s all you want, I give it back to you

Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserves for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you are as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

Saat diam kumeragu
When it becomes silent, I am being doubt
Bertahan dia padaku
Whether he still stays on me
Banyak bintang dilangit,
There are so many stars in the sky
Banyak godaan datang
There are so many tempatations to come
Sanggupkah kau menepis?
Can you handle for it?


Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserve for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

Alright, that's all I can post right now. Hopefully you guys still get the meaning of the song even in different way to say (for Indonesian ;)). Also, let me know if I have some not suitable words on it, or clearly wrong grammar when say it. Write down it below the comment coloumn, okay?

Ganxie nimen! ^~^

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