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Showing posts with label Suara Kayu. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suara Kayu. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

HAHAHA, By Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)


HAHAHA - Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas

Kata orang hidup cuma sekali 

People said life is only once

Sekali-sekali bisa susah 

Once we are in the hard times

Kala hidup tak mudah

When life becomes uneasy

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

*Memang benar hidup cuma sekali 

That’s right, life is only once

Dua tiga kali salah langkah

Two times, three times we got into wrong direction

Kala ingin menyerah,

When you think to give up

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

Jangan marah…

Don’t get mad…

**Hai, tersenyumlah...

Hi, keep smiling…

Meski tak mudah

Although this isn’t easy

Karena bahagia sesederhana 

Because being happy is as simple as

Tertawa, hahaha 

Be laughing, hahaha

Sudah, sudah jangan marah-marah 

Well, alright, don’t get mad

- Kembali ke (*), (**)

- Back to (*), (**)


Thanks to Youtube and Canva

Thursday, September 02, 2021

Penghapus Pensil (An Eraser), By: Suara Kayu (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)

Original title: Penghapus Pensil 

(Watch the official lyric video here)

[Translation] An Eraser

Presented by: Suara kayu

*Duduk disini

I sit here

Membaca setiap cerita yang kau tulis

To read every story that you’ve written

Sendiri disini

Here, I am alone

Kutersenyum menangis

I smile weeply


Mengapa kau pergi

Why do you leave

Tanpa menghapus semua

Without to erase all of

 Tulisan indah tentang kisah kita

Beautiful poems about our story

Terus berputar dalam benakku

That continue to replay in my mind


Terlalu sulit untuk melupakan

It is to hard to forget about you

Tolong berikan penghapus pensilmu

Please, give me your pencil eraser



** Duduk disini

I sit here

Membaca setiap cerita yang kau tulis

To read every story that you’ve written

Sendiri disini

Here, I am alone

Kutersenyum menangis

I smile weeply


Mengapa kau pergi

Why do you leave

Tanpa menghapus semua

Without deleting all of

 Tulisan indah tentang kisah kita

The beautiful poems about our story

Terus berputar dalam benakku

That continue to replay in my mind


Terlalu sulit untuk melupakan

It is to hard to forget about you

Tolong berikan penghapus pensilmu

Please, give me your pencil eraser



** Mengapa kau pergi

Why do you leave

Tanpa menghapus semua

Without deleting all of

 Tulisan indah tentang kisah kita

The beautiful poems about our story

Terus berputar dalam benakku

That continue to replay in my mind


Terlalu sulit untuk melupakan

It is to hard to forget about you

Tolong berikan penghapus pensilmu

Please, give me your pencil erase



English words check: 

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Kaktus, by Suara Kayu (English Lyric Translation)



Presented by Suara Kayu

Lirik Suara Kayu - Kaktus

Kita sudah kenal lama

We have know for long time

Seperti kakak adik

Like a brother and sister

Apakah kita hanya segini saja?

Are  we just like this?


*Aku ingin buat kamu tertawaku bersamaku

I want to make you laugh together with me

Karna kata mereka tertawa bisa bikin sayang

Because they say laughing together could become my dear


**Tapi, apa yang telah terjadi?

But, what have done?

Lihat tawamu, ku yang menjadi sayang kepadamu

Seeing your laugh, I start to love you


***Ikan apa yang terindah?

Ikan apa yang terindah? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of fish?)

Ikannot live without you in my life

I can not live without in my life (Read in Indonesian poetic words: Ikan not live without you in my life)

Ayam apa yang termanis?

Ayam apa yang termanis? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of the chick?)

I am falling in love with you

I am falling in love with you (Read in Indonesian poetic words: I am (sounds like “ayam”) falling in love with you)


Aku ingin kamu tahu

I only want you to know

Semua rasaku kepadamu

All of my feelings I have for you

Kutak ingin menjadi kaktus

I don’t want to be a “Cactus”  (it’s a short for the meaning a boy and girl who don’t involve in any relationship and just end up in brother and sister zone)

Kakak adik tanpa status..

A brother and sister without any status…



*Aku ingin buat kamu tertawaku bersamaku

I want to make you laughing togther with me

Karna kata mereka tertawa bisa bikin sayang

Because they say laughing together could become my dear

**Tapi, apa yang telah terjadi?

But, what has been done?

Lihat tawamu, ku yang menjadi sayang kepadamu

Seeing your laugh, I start to love you


***Ikan apa yang terindah?

Ikan apa yang terindah? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of fish?)

Ikannot live without you in my life

I can not live without in my life (Read in Indonesian poetic words: Ikan not live without you in my life)

Ayam apa yang termanis?

Ayam apa yang termanis? (Indonesian poetic words translation: what the most beautiful kind of the chick?)

I am falling in love with you

I am falling in love with you (Read in Indonesian poetic words: I am (sounds like “ayam”) falling in love with you)


Aku ingin kamu tahu

I only want you to know

Semua rasaku kepadamu

All of my feelings I have for you

Kutak ingin menjadi kaktus

I don’t want to be a “Kaktus”  (it’s short for the meaning a boy and girl who don’t involve in any relationship and just end up in brother and sister zone)

Kakak adik tanpa status..

A brother and sister without any status…

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