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Showing posts with label English lyric. Show all posts
Showing posts with label English lyric. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Aku Bukan Jodohnya, by Tri Suaka (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)


Lirik lagu Aku Bukan Jodohnya - Tri Suaka

Original title: Aku Bukan Jodohnya 

(English translation: I Am Not Her Soulmate

Had Presented by: Tri Suaka

Ini salahku,

It’s my fault

Terlalu memikirkan egoku

I think all about my desire over

Tak mampu buatmu nyaman bersanding denganku

I could not make you feel comfort with me

Hingga kau tinggalkan aku

So, you left me


Terlambat sudah,

It has been late,

Kini kau sudah menemukan dia

Now, you already find himself

Seseorang yang mampu membuatmu bahagia

A man who is able make you being happy

Kuikhlas kau bersanding dengan dia

I am sincere to see you with him


*Aku titipkan dia

I pass her to him

Lanjutkan perjuanganku ‘tuknya,

Please, continue my struggle for her,

Bahagiakan dia, kau sayangi dia

Please, make her happy, you should loves her

Seperti aku menyanyanginya

Likely I loved her

‘Kan kuikhlaskan dia

I will being sincere about her

Tak pantas kubersanding dengannya

I am improper to be with her

‘Kan kuterima dengan lapang dada

I will take it gracefully

Aku bukan jodohmu

I am not her soulmate


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What I've posted before

Quote from the book A Week to Forever, by Stephanie Zen

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

HAHAHA, By Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas (Indonesian - English Lyric Translation)


HAHAHA - Suara Kayu feat. Bianca Dimas

Kata orang hidup cuma sekali 

People said life is only once

Sekali-sekali bisa susah 

Once we are in the hard times

Kala hidup tak mudah

When life becomes uneasy

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

*Memang benar hidup cuma sekali 

That’s right, life is only once

Dua tiga kali salah langkah

Two times, three times we got into wrong direction

Kala ingin menyerah,

When you think to give up

Senyum saja, sudah jangan marah

Just keep smiling, alright, don’t get mad

Jangan marah…

Don’t get mad…

**Hai, tersenyumlah...

Hi, keep smiling…

Meski tak mudah

Although this isn’t easy

Karena bahagia sesederhana 

Because being happy is as simple as

Tertawa, hahaha 

Be laughing, hahaha

Sudah, sudah jangan marah-marah 

Well, alright, don’t get mad

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Thanks to Youtube and Canva

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