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Showing posts with label Kekasih Impian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kekasih Impian. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Kekasih Impian (The Dream Lover) - Indonesian-English Lyric Translation

Click here to see the beautiful love-life journey of Natta Reza and Wardah Maulina 💕

Lirik lagu Kekasih Impian - Natta Reza
Kekasih Impian (cover edited by Canva)

Original title: Kekasih Impian 
Translation: The Dream Lover 
Presented by Natta Reza


Aku tak pernah meminta

I never ask

Sosok pendamping sempurna

For a perfect companion

Cukup dia yang selalu sabar menemani dalam kekuranganku

She, who always be patient to accompany me in my incompleteness is enough


Namun Tuhan menghadirkan

But God presents to me

Kamu wanita terhebat

You are the amazing woman

Kuat tak pernah mengeluh

The enormous one, who never complain

Bahagiaku selalu bersamamu

My happiness is always being with you



Andai ada keajaiban

If there is a miracle

Ingin kuukirkan

I want to make an engraving

Namamu diatas bintang-bintang angkasa

Your name above the stars in the sky

Agar semua tahu

So, everyone will know

Kau berarti untukku

You are so mean for me

Selama-lama kamu milikku

You belong to me forever


Kini telah kubuktikan

Now, I have already proven that

Kamu pendamping setia

You are a faithful companion

Kuat tak pernah mengeluh

The strong woman, who is never to complain

Bahagiaku bersamamu

My happiness is being with you


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Namun kusadari diriku

However, I realize

Takkan mampu selalu

I am not as always could

Bahagiakan kamu

Make you are happy

Tapi akan kuperjuangkan

But I am going to struggle up

Untukmu yang terhebat

For you the amazing one

Kekasih impian

(My) dream lover


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