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Kekasih Impian (cover edited by Canva) |
Aku tak
pernah meminta
I never ask
pendamping sempurna
For a perfect companion
Cukup dia yang selalu
sabar menemani dalam kekuranganku
She, who
always be patient to accompany me in my incompleteness is enough
Namun Tuhan menghadirkan
But God
presents to me
Kamu wanita terhebat
You are
the amazing woman
Kuat tak pernah mengeluh
enormous one, who never complain
Bahagiaku selalu bersamamu
happiness is always being with you
Andai ada keajaiban
If there
is a miracle
Ingin kuukirkan
I want
to make an engraving
Namamu diatas bintang-bintang angkasa
name above the stars in the sky
Agar semua tahu
everyone will know
Kau berarti untukku
You are
so mean for me
Selama-lama kamu milikku
belong to me forever
Kini telah kubuktikan
Now, I have
already proven that
Kamu pendamping setia
You are a
faithful companion
Kuat tak pernah mengeluh
strong woman, who is never to complain
Bahagiaku bersamamu
happiness is being with you
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Namun kusadari diriku
I realize
Takkan mampu selalu
I am not
as always could
Bahagiakan kamu
Make you
are happy
Tapi akan kuperjuangkan
But I am
going to struggle up
Untukmu yang terhebat
For you the amazing one
Kekasih impian
dream lover
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