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Terpisah Jarak Dan Waktu (Langit Sore) (English Lyric Translation: Separated By The Distance and Time)

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Hello, everyone! 
Finally I can go back to my #blogsocialdiary that I want to re-active this page again and again (hopefully...). 

In the first time I go back since my hiatus, I am going to post an English lyric translastion had sung by Langit Sore, Indonesian group which has a super easy to listening song, like the one I post here as my second English learning writing. (Read the other English lyric translation here).

I feel sad when the first time I listen it on Spotify. I remembered someone over there- he might didn't know I was here, think about him. Never mind, I just wanted to let he know: at the time, wherenever he go, he should know there is someone who waiting fot his come back, for her, especially. But, now, I don't want it anymore. I am so exhausting to expect he come back again, for me. So, I just want to let him go free wherever he go, as long he can find his happiness and the success. Bye-bye, Kak S!

Here's the song for you, for the last time from me just for you, Kak S!

Separated By The Distance and Time
(Original tittle: Terpisah Jarak dan Waktu, by: Langit Sore)

Sumpah mati aku rindu

I swear I miss you

Sedang apa di sana cintaku

What are you doing right now my dear

Dering teleponmu yang kutunggu

My ringtone from you that I am waiting for

Hanya itulah yang obati gelisah hatiku

The one which can cure worries in my heart


Jujurku semakin takut kehilanganmu

Speaking honestly I am getting afraid to loose you

Wajar saja kita terpisahkan jarak dan waktu,

It is fair, because we are separated by the distance and time,

Untukmu yang jauh di sana,

For you are far away

Jaga hatimu juga pandanganmu Segera kembali jangan lama-lama

Keep your heart and the sight, please come back rushly

Baik-baik kamu jangan nakal

You are be alright, never be wicked


Menunggumu di sini aku harap-harap cemas

Waiting for you here I am a bit worry

Kangen berat padamu hingga jari kaki lemas

I miss you badly and my toes get floopy

Selalu gelisah makan tak doyan, tidur tak pulas Kapan kau kan pulang lekaslah berkemas

I am always restive, don’t like to eat, can’t sleep well, when will you back home, and get your luggage

Bahagia akan tiba aku percaya

I believe the happines will come

Semoga kita tak terpisahkan lagi selama-lamanya

I hope we will never fall apart again forever

 Arungi semua berdua di dalam cinta Selalu kau kujaga dengan doa-doa

Through all the things of  love, you are always in my pray

Sayang kau segalanya

My dear, you are everything


Na na nananana

Na na nananana

Na na nananana

Na na nananana

- The end ^^

Ganxie nimen!


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