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Thursday, January 30, 2020

Sejauh Dua Benua (Arsy Widianto, Brisia Jodie) English Lyric Translation (As Far As Two Continents)

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Dajia hao!
Hello everyone!

It's my really really first blogpost to translate an Indonesian lyric song into English translation. Hopefully, it is not just the first and the last to update the English translation. I hope I can translate more Indonesian lyric song into English (or, I also can add the pinyin Mandarin..).

Actually, I didn't find out this song to translate first on purpose. I just think there is another song I would translate for the beginning. Yet, because of the old friend of mine is coming up in my mind recently, again, and again. I am starting to miss him so much again. I know he may don't remember me at all.
Well, I know that.
Because we used to only meet for about a month. Alright, never mind. I only want to let him know that even he just came a while at that time, but there was such an unforgattable meeting with him in the class.

I've shared the story how I met him before, within my fanfiction story here.

Okay, I'm done with the preface. Now, I'll continue to the main point.

Check for the official its official video first, you can click on new tab this one.

As Far As Two Continents (Indonesian original tittle called by Sejauh Dua Benua) tells about a young couple, say it, they are undergraduated students who are only have one choice to have a long distance relationship between two countries and two continents, because the young man is going to take his study in UK. After a few months, the young lady starts to miss her beloved one's. She looks for the flight to meet him, and release their longing.

The song is originally presented by Arsy Widianto (a son of Indonesian master composer, Yovie Widianto) featuring Brisia Jodie (the contestant of Indonesian Idol season 2017).

Here's the English lyric translation:

Indonesian lyric and English translation

Sejauh Dua Benua (Arsy Widianto, Brisia Jodie)
(Courtesy: Sejauh Dua Benua's official lyric video)

As Far As Two Continents

My dear,
Aku ‘kan pergi
I’ll go                   
Jauh darimu, jauh dari pelukmu
Away from you, and away from your embrace
Tapi kuharus begitu tuk masa depan
Yet I should do, it’s for our future
Percayalah padaku…
Please believe on me…

Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserves for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you are as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

My dear,
Sesungguhnya dalam hatiku tak pernah ingin jauh
For the matter my heart never wants to go far away from you
Tapi bila memang begitu
Yet if this is so,
Itu maumu, kuserahkan padamu.
That’s all you want, I give it back to you

Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserves for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you are as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

Saat diam kumeragu
When it becomes silent, I am being doubt
Bertahan dia padaku
Whether he still stays on me
Banyak bintang dilangit,
There are so many stars in the sky
Banyak godaan datang
There are so many tempatations to come
Sanggupkah kau menepis?
Can you handle for it?


Meskipun kau terhalang dua samudra
Even if you separate by two oceans
Hatiku selalu tersimpan untukmu
My heart always preserve for you
Meskipun kau sejauh dua benua
Even if you as far as two continents
Hatiku selalu hanyalah untukmu
My heart is always only for you
Ku akan selalu menjaga setia
I’ll always be true
Asalkan kau juga begitu
As long as you also do it

Alright, that's all I can post right now. Hopefully you guys still get the meaning of the song even in different way to say (for Indonesian ;)). Also, let me know if I have some not suitable words on it, or clearly wrong grammar when say it. Write down it below the comment coloumn, okay?

Ganxie nimen! ^~^

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