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Showing posts with the label Indonesia 2020

Terpisah Jarak Dan Waktu (Langit Sore) (English Lyric Translation: Separated By The Distance and Time)

Hello, everyone!  Finally I can go back to my #blogsocialdiary that I want to re-active this page again and again (hopefully...).  In the first time I go back since my hiatus, I am going to post an English lyric translastion had sung by Langit Sore, Indonesian group which has a super easy to listening song, like the one I post here as my second English learning writing. (Read the other English lyric translation here ). I feel sad when the first time I listen it on Spotify. I remembered someone over there- he might didn't know I was here, think about him. Never mind, I just wanted to let he know: at the time, wherenever he go, he should know there is someone who waiting fot his come back, for her, especially. But, now, I don't want it anymore. I am so exhausting to expect he come back again, for me. So, I just want to let him go free wherever he go, as long he can find his happiness and the success. Bye-bye, Kak S! Here's the song for you, for the last time from me just for