Istirahatlah (Take A Rest), a song by Abimanyu Bhakti (Part of Jurnal Risa)
To watch the official lyric video Click here :)
Istirahatlah apapun yang kau hadapi
Take a rest from things you are facing
Istirahatlah semua tlah kau lalui
Take a rest from things that you go through
Kau hanya lelah
You are only weary
Kau tak pernah kehilangan arah
You never get lost
Lalu mulailah
Then, let’s get started
Dan tetap terus berjuang
And, you should keep struggling
Lalu mulailah
Then, let’s get started
Dan jangan lagi menghilang
And, don’t get lost anymore
Kau hanya perlu menepi
You only need to move aside
Kau tak perlu terus berlari
You don’t need to keep running
Apa yang kau cari
All the things that you are looking for
Dunia tak mampu memberi
The world can’t give it to you
Hanya dirimu sendiri
Just for yourself
Suatu saat kau akan mengerti
One day you’ll be understand
Kau hanya lelah
You are only weary
Kau hanya perlu menepi
You only need to move aside
Apapun yang kau cari
All the things that you are looking for
Suatu saat kau akan mengerti
One day you’ll be understand
The first single of Abimanyu Bhakti, Bicara (Speak-Up) - CLICK HERE
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