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Showing posts with label Ziva Magnolya. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ziva Magnolya. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Mata-Mata Harimu, by Ziva Magnolya (Song Lyric English Translation - A Spy in Your Days)

Hey, what's up everybody? It has so long time I didn't post something here. I've tried to make draft for some posts, but I just didn't have much time to released. So, I realize that I can only release them one by one, or at least one post in a month (well, hopefully). 

Then, right now I am still wanting to practing my English skill within making some English song lyric translation of Indonesian's pop music. After you read this one, you can continue to scroll down the #blogsocialdiary page to get another lyric translation.I've written for Sejauh Dua Benua (As Far As Two Continents), by Arsy Widanto&Brisia Jodie; and also, Terpisah Jarak dan Waktu (Separated By The Distance and Time), by Langit Sore

Alright. This time I am going to post one of Indonesian lysrc song that I've translated into English words. I hope you still get the meaning of the song. 

It is sung by Ziva Magnolya, one of the Top 3 Finalist Indonesian Idol 2020. It has a tittle, as you seen on  the blog post tittle, Mata-Mata Harimu. It tells about a girl who admires a guy ans she keeps following his steps in along her days just because she feels she got pleased by seeing him even though she can only see him in a distance, but she hopes that someday they will meet somewhere. 

Song-lyric English Translation

Taken from: Mata-mata Harimu, dinyanyikan oleh Ziva Magnolya

(Translation: A Spy of Your Days)

Kuterpaku memandangmu meskipun kau tak didepanku

( Eng: I am stilled when I stared at you, even if you aren’t in front of me)

Kumenunggu adakah dirimu hadir lagi dihariku

( Eng: I am waiting if  there you are along my day again)

Melihat senyum yang bukan untukku

( Eng: Had seeing the smile that isn’t for me)

Cukup membuatku merasa didekatmu

( Eng: is  enough to make me getting closer to you)


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)


Kumenunggu adakah dirimu hadir lagi dihariku

( Eng: I am waiting if  there you are along my day again)

Melihat senyum yang bukan untukku

( Eng: Had seeing the smile that isn’t for me)

Cukup membuatku merasa didekatmu

( Eng: is  enough to make me getting closer to you)


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)


Meskipun kutahu dirimu

(Eng: Even if I know that you  )

Tak tahu adanya diriku

(Eng: don’t know there is mine )

Kuberharap kita ‘kan bertemu

(Eng:  I hope we will have a meeting )


Aku rindu meskipun kamu belum tahu siapa namaku

(Eng: I miss you even though you haven’t known my name yet)

Kau buatku habiskan sisa detik hariku

(Eng: You make me spent the last second of  my day)

‘Tuk menjadi mata-mata dihari-harimu

(Eng: For being a spy in your days)

 ‘Tuk menjadi mata, mata harimu

(Eng: For being your eyes, your sunny day )

Watch Ziva Magnolya's official MV - A Spy in Your Days (Mata-Mata Harimu) by clicking this link.

Thank you for showing your nicest smile to me and let me always getting know of the best of your in my days, my-dear-idol-prince. 

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