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Showing posts with label Monday Inspiration. Story to share. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Monday Inspiration. Story to share. Show all posts

Monday, January 31, 2022

How I Start To Fall In Love with Learning Languages


How to start learning a new language

When I entered the third grade in elementary school I got a new lesson. I and my schoolmates got English in the third-grade elementary school. My mother thought I should get another class to improve my English since my parents are not fluent enough to teach me. They sent me to the course class.

I still remember the first course where I learned English. I do not remember the course’s business name. It was a small class in my hometown. A small class in a small house-building to run the business made me know how beautiful it is (to start to learn English)! However, I cannot find the building name picture in the Google Maps Image to attach here. Also, I cannot recall who tutors had taught me English at the time. I insist thank them for making me understand English on my first way to learn it. Thank you so much, all of my tutors.


Read: 2017, the year that changed me 

A couple of years later, my mother asked me to join a better class;. It had better facilities and more tutors. Recently, I just realized the new course might be more expensive than the old one. My parents did it for my future. Yup, I got more friends when I studied there. The circumstance was great and all tutors were experienced. We weren’t only studying, but also played some games or quizzes related to the lesson in the class.

Oh, the beautiful moment I could not forget when they held a study tour to one of the beautiful beaches on the island. I cannot forget the moment we played and studied at the same time. It was a nice moment. If I could replay the moment, I would memorize all of my classmates' names who joined there, then I google them and get the contact. I wish…

When I entered high school later, I moved to the English class near my school and my house location. A simple personal computer came to the era. I remember about it since we—I and my classmates played the computer games on it while we were waiting for our tutor to come to class. Basically, when I started to learn English as my new language, at the same time I also got new friends. So, it was encouraged me to join the class again and again. At that age, I thought that learning a new language and joining the course could make me have lots of friends outside the school. Additionally, here I got the first man who I admired.

Speaking of a person who I admire, eight years later since I found the first one, I had met the second one. Hehehe. The person is really something for me. So, I can’t move on easily from him. Still, I met him in the English class. That’s way led me to love learning English more.


Also, read: This is about my hobby and official work

I used to live and study in the surrounding area where full of foreigners come and enjoy their holiday there. I had known that English and some foreign languages are very useful in our daily life earlier. Besides taking English classes outside the school, I also take Japanese in additional classes in the school. Unfortunately, in the new school where I and my family had moved in, I didn’t find another languages class except the English class. So, I missed my interest in Japanese at the time.

Luckily, then I found other languages to learn again. It’s Chinese. I wanted to learn Chinese because I was addicted to the Taiwan series. I watched Meteor Garden and Romantic Princess which stole my attention so much. But, the city didn’t have many places to join the Chinese course like what I found in the previous city before.

I keep learning English with my classmates in the course class. However, currently, I only sharpen my skill of writing by writing some opinions in English, posting in on the blog, and watching online videos on youtube to enrich my vocabulary. Also, I look for some partners to practice my verbal skill. Anyone? Hehehe. 

Here is all of my story about how I started to learn new languages. I'll see you in another title of the post. 

Thank you for visiting #blogsocialdiary. 



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Monday, December 21, 2020

How I Increase My Confidence Level? - An Experience To Share


Some people-including me, of course, we ever feel so nervous when we should speak or do a presentation in front of people, let’s say when we should do it in public.

Yes, I did, and sometimes I still make mistakes because my legs turn into a jelly when I speak in front of the audience. It is no small deal to face it. For me, it takes a long time to make myself can handle it well. I try no to feel ashamed when meeting someone new; read some books which contain how to increase our confidence level’s part; I pay attention to those who have an extrovert style and learn how they get speaking by strangers naturally. I started to do them since I was in university, and you know, not all of those steps are work well for me. I still can’t get confidence when the lecture asked me to do a presentation by myself, at least, when did the presentation in two, I prefer chosen to be an operator of the slides to show the entirety of the class.

When it came closer to my final thesis test and presentation, I had thought I need to grow my confidence to present something to the public slowly. Some books and the quotes I had read told me that It can’t grow easily and naturally, I need to train it. Then, luckily, as I graduated from the university I enter a company that manages the MICE Venue as the trainee in the Marketing&Sales Team Division. The company and my teammates helped so much to answer my difficulties, even though it was my first job experience. I learn how to communicate as a team. From it I know that minor mistakes in the internal team are okay as long we got the lesson for causing it and promise not to do it anymore. Then, after one of my senior resigned, I pointed to have a fulltime position in the team. I was getting more chances to gain my level up my confidence bar due to my job description as the Sales Executive in the organization. I made a call to the clients, visited them; they are my task that increases my experience level.

Besides my job above, I joined, or to be exact, I was pointed to continue the reading community that had been vacuumed for a while in my city. I like reading books, I like to gather with someone else to read together, but when I was pointing to be a PIC for the community I have a lot of worries to handle it. Fortunately, some friends really help me to handle it together. Again, I learned how to speak up in public when I joined the community. Also, I learn to handle events of the community every month. It was challenging, but it was fun because I did it with my friends who have a similar interest as me.

From some experience I had, I can tell you some suggestions for you who still have problems got nervous when you do a job interview or presentation wherever you are doing your job. I hope these suggestions are useful for you all:

First of all. Go find your passion and your community. As I said before, I like reading and I meet friends who have similar interests with me; furthermore, they make me comfortable for sharing some stuff related to what we are interested in. It’s the first step you can choose to try to speak in front of the audience in public.

Secondly. Be a part of an organization. For being a crew, it will a bit force you to keep communicating with other people, moreover, if you get a position a PR (public relation) in the organization which you should communicate with external side, it will add more values to your speaking point.

Thirdly. Be active. I mean, if you are already in the organization or you are working right now, be active to start a conversation with other employees or your teammates. A simple greeting, maybe, can be a good starter of your conversation. I remind you not to mention or ask someone about his/her marital status: like married or unmarried, etc., or asking them about their pray or religion, they are so personal and you shouldn’t ask for them whatever you do and wherever you are. Based on my experiences above, I will get to know about it slowly without asking it directly.

Alright, I think that’s all that I can share with you and they are truly had to be right for me. So, I hope you get the points, as well.

Anyway, thank you for visiting this #blogsocialdiary. I may see you guys on another story to share here. See you! ^^

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