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Showing posts with label AFImania. Show all posts
Showing posts with label AFImania. Show all posts

Saturday, April 24, 2021

Sahabat (Bestfriend) - 12 Sahabat (English Lyric Translation)

Original title: Sahabat 
Performed by: 12 Sahabat (AFI 1)

Original video: click here



Tak ada guna kau diam

It is useless when you are just keep silent

Tanpa lantunkan sedikit cerita

Without telling any stories



Tak 'kan bisa kau bertahan

You can’t stand

Bila sendiri tanpa kawan kata

If there isn't someone to talk with



Apakah kau rasa kehadiranku, Kawan?

Can you feel my existence, Buddy?


Icha, Kia:

Kabarkan gelisahmu

Let me know your worry

Jangan berhenti,

Never to stop,

Ku disini

I'm right here



Buang dendam dihatimu

Throw your hate away in your heart

Bakar amarahmu,

Lightning your dander

Hapus semua tangismu

Swipe your tears up



Kejar mimpi-mimpi itu yang sempat terhenti karna

Pursue the dream that ever been stopped, 'cause


You got doubt



Apakah kau rasa kehadiranku, Kawan?

Can you feel my existance, Buddy?


Romi, Yenny, Ve, Hera:

Kabarkan gelisahmu,

Let me know your worry

Jangan berhenti,

Never to stop,

Ku disini

I'm right here



Kita tak harus berduka

We shouldn't be sad

Bila mimpi sempat tak sampai

If we can't pursue our dream yet



Karena bersamamu

'Cause with you

Bahagia untukku berbagi

I'm happy to share with you


Mawar, Dicky:

Genggamlah dunia indahmu

Hold your beautiful world

Walau tak seindah mimpimu

Even though isn't as beautiful as your dream



Akan selalu ada berjuta rasa cinta

There will be millions love


For you



Buang dendam dihatimu

Throw your hate away

Bakar amarahmu,

Lightning your dander

Hapus tangismu

Swipe your tears up



Kejar mimpi-mimpi itu yang sempat terhenti karna

Pursue the dream that ever been stopped, 'cause

Kau ragu

You got doubt




Apakah kau rasa kehadiranku, Kawan?

Do you feel my existance, Buddy?

Kabarkan gelisahmu,

Let me to know your worry,

Jangan berhenti,

Never to stop,

Ku disini

I’m right here


Kita tak harus berduka

We shouldn’t be sad

Bila mimpi sempat tak sampai

If we can’t pursue our dream yet

Karena bersamamu

Because with you,

Bahagiaku untukku berbagi

I am happy to share it with you


Genggamlah dunia indahmu

Hold your beautiful dream

Walau tak seindah mimpi

Even though not as beautiful as your dream

kan selalu ada berjuta rasa cinta untukmu…

There will be millions love for you...



(My) Bestfriend...


I do not own for the picts, I googled them. 

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