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Showing posts with label Princess. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Princess. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shengri Kuaile..

Hai, gals.. Pengen sharing nih tentang yg berulang tahun di tanggal ini ;)

Mulai dari dini hari tadi (ups, bukan..), dari kemaren malam maksudnya, timeline twitterku rame. 3 fansclub keluar semua. Apa aja itu? Taraaa.. Itu adalah SM*SHblast, Directioners, dan MyPrincess :D
Masing-masing personel dari boyband&girlband SM*SH, One Direction, Princess ada yang berulang tahun di hari ini. Ilham (SM*SH) hari ini menginjak sweet sevententh, Liam Payne (One Direction) sekarang berumur 19 tahun, dan Elma (Princess) hari ini 21 tahun.
Di trending topik Indonesia pun "perang" hastag antara hastag SB (#HBD17thIlhamSMASH), Directioners Indonesia (#HappyBirthdayLiamPayneFromIndonesia), myPrincess (#HBD21stElmaPrincess).
Whatever that, I just want to say :

Happy birthday to my beloved stars- Ilham 'SM*SH', Liam Payne '1D', and 'Princess' Elma.
Wishing you guys longlife, keep healthy, more success, and longlas with your girls&boy-friends :)

and, there's a girl again have a birthday as them above.

Shengri kuaile, cici Wenda Tan (ex-ChiBi). Wish you get the best for you :)

Happy sweet sevententh!
Happy birthday Liam from Indonesia!

happy 21st birthday!
have a blessed birthday, my star boys!

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bukan Cinta Infotainment

Read this fanfiction only on my gallery ;)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

New baked post

32 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ME | Alika #blogsocialdiary

  Edited by Canva | @blogsocialdiary  Why it should be 32?  It is because I am turning 32 this year. Welcome To 30's Club! Here they are...