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Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shengri Kuaile..

Hai, gals.. Pengen sharing nih tentang yg berulang tahun di tanggal ini ;)

Mulai dari dini hari tadi (ups, bukan..), dari kemaren malam maksudnya, timeline twitterku rame. 3 fansclub keluar semua. Apa aja itu? Taraaa.. Itu adalah SM*SHblast, Directioners, dan MyPrincess :D
Masing-masing personel dari boyband&girlband SM*SH, One Direction, Princess ada yang berulang tahun di hari ini. Ilham (SM*SH) hari ini menginjak sweet sevententh, Liam Payne (One Direction) sekarang berumur 19 tahun, dan Elma (Princess) hari ini 21 tahun.
Di trending topik Indonesia pun "perang" hastag antara hastag SB (#HBD17thIlhamSMASH), Directioners Indonesia (#HappyBirthdayLiamPayneFromIndonesia), myPrincess (#HBD21stElmaPrincess).
Whatever that, I just want to say :

Happy birthday to my beloved stars- Ilham 'SM*SH', Liam Payne '1D', and 'Princess' Elma.
Wishing you guys longlife, keep healthy, more success, and longlas with your girls&boy-friends :)

and, there's a girl again have a birthday as them above.

Shengri kuaile, cici Wenda Tan (ex-ChiBi). Wish you get the best for you :)

Happy sweet sevententh!
Happy birthday Liam from Indonesia!

happy 21st birthday!
have a blessed birthday, my star boys!

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