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Showing posts with label company branding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label company branding. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

What Is Typical A Good Company In Job Seeker's Thought? - The Advantages of Having An Independent HR Personnel

How beautiful your workplace is if it has an independent and capable HR personnel, isn’t it?

image from

Referring to what I have posted before about “Dear Bosses, What Employees Thinks About Your Company?”, and I have mentioned some points which relate about employees satisfaction under of workplace environment and HR personnel successful duties. I see both of them have a mutualism.

Based on my friends' work experiences, companies are putting HR positions as one of the vital roles in the organization, just like Finance and Legal Departement. On contrary, some companies haven’t seen that HR position as important as Finance Department. In other words, it can be the third, fourth, fifth, or else the last priority in the organization structure.

My ex-boss in the previous company used to says “how we could run the system smoothly without a good standard of operation, also want to employees being royal to us without fulfilling their needs”
. All of those things, likely to manage employees’ administration stuff, recruit new team, developing the existing team, to support working environment in there. Seems easy to run? I can say, no, it is not. Because becoming HR personnel means we are not only playing with your duties and for our rights but also, you have responded to all of your coworkers' rights in the organization. So, we need high integrity and responsibility to run our duties.

Here, I will share with you some of my insights (I got them from my previous work experiences in comparison with my friends’ who work in the five-starred companies) about five advantages of having an independent HR personnel:


Check these out.

1. Get an update on the government regulation about human resources

     In fact, our government represented by the Ministry of Labour is already regulated some statutes which bridge between the business owner and the employees. The statue tells us what employees would and should get after they have their job clearly. Yearly they update the regulation to synchronize with recent issues. Usually, a good HR Crew will automatically update the changes and re-adapt them to the organization.  For example, it is about some public holiday dates which everyone waits for, or minimum range of regional wages, in this case, who will get the advantages if they get a recent update? They are employees and the management.


2. To bridging between Board of Director and the management and the employees

     As far we know that the Board Director (BOD) wouldn’t have any time to manage the administration kinds of stuff, they should focus on the organization strategy and investment. What things they have been meeting in a place, then move to another ballroom to attend another meeting with clients, and moving again to BOD space and they have a meeting for the sake of the organization.

      And, about the management do’s has nothing related with the employees’ administration pieces of stuff, it is all belong to HR. What they have should be done is work the order of the BOD meeting decision, and delegate it to the supervisor level and the senior staff.

     From our point of views based on our friends experience sharing, an employee who works under the boss (CEO, or business owner) get more hard pressure of his work rather than an employee who works in an organization which has a hierarchy structure.


3. To give employees an adequate atmosphere of working

    You can keep my words here which would to tell you that employees’ satisfaction would be increase if they have a comfortable working space to run their job. Let’s think what facilities have company given to them will influence employees’ mood of work and work performances. Who will stay in such a messy situation? I wonder none will do. I mean, if you got a problem and you can not say it to your boss or your teammate or anyone from a different department, you could go to the HR department and let them solve it with their structure. Then, the conflict will be solved.


4. To increase employees satisfaction and proudness being the organization member, also, to assist employees to get their best achievement in their work

This’ part of my favorite when I ever worked as HR personnel. Why? Here’s my story.

Leaders from the different divisions will submit their teamwork progress’ to me and I will summarize all of them and calculate them. I get to know what they have done successfully and what difficulties they were facing when they don’t get their target. Or, I keep thinking it is my bad for not providing them such good support, or they have something in their mind which distract their mood to work. I will ask a team who don’t get their target in the last two periods and ask them personally later. I aid them to solve their obstacle and bring back their good work performance.

Even though the bonus that team would get is not for HR personnel, however, it is still our honor and proud to see our team get it. They deserve to get it for all their hard work for a period.


5. To Increase company value and brand in the public

   Yeah, I think the points above, especially what I mention in point three and number four are closely related to number five will tell you.

  Your organization is updated to the recent ministry rule; then, you have a beautiful role to run; you keep improving your work due to your company provides good things you need; I bet you will tell people outside the organization that it is a good place to work, won’t you? Because I will do it if I have one.

  When HR has an employee selection, all of the things above will be one of HR’s advantages. They won’t face any hard moment to announce that they open a vacancy since the qualified job seekers will make a queue to register their resume to the company. Some people still believe a-mouth-to-mouth-opinion is still good strength for HR to get people's attention about the company. If the Marketing department makes a good product branding, then HR will make a good name image for the organization. Furthermore, it starts from the insiders.

*If I am being asked what my dream job is, of course, I am going to answer in this way: 

I only want to work in a company which has an independent HR Department. So, I can rely on my carrier on it, I will get a better chance to develop my skill better and better again and as much I can gain. 



All images above are taken from (istockphoto)

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