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Showing posts with the label My Opinion.

Dear Bosses, what your new employees think about your company?

Dear Bosses, I will represent your new employees or some fresh graduates thinking when they enter your company for doing their first experience of work. I understand if these ones can not highly relate to your company since every company has its own standard of operation (SOP), right? But, I hope you got some insight about what your employee wants as they work under your company, likely the facilities they will get, and the pride to work in the organization. I guess this is the reason how important a Human Resources (HR) staff’s duty in the company. They will keep the company's reputation in the public by recruiting good employees and provide the best support system for the employees inside the office building.   Hereby, I do not talk from an HR point of view . But, I used to handle HR administration and recruit one or two new staff. I want to share some insights from new staffs when they enter the door’s company on their first day of work.   Disclaimer : It is all about