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Showing posts with label Sudahkah?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sudahkah?. Show all posts

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Sudahkah? (By: Eclat) - English Lyric Translation


Song tittle: Sudahkah? / Have Been Done? 

By: Eclat

Banyak yang bilang berdua itu lebih baik daripada sendiri,

Some people said that in two together is better than alone,


Saat kau sedih ada sang kekasih yang mewarnai hari,

When you are sad, there is a lover who will colour your day,


Membuat wajahmu berseri, merubah kelammu menjadi pelangi,

Make your face smile, changing your sorrow become a rainbow,


Sudahkau kau temukan dia? Sudahkah kau menemukan dirinya?

Have you found him? Have you got him?


Janganlah kamu lama lama, menutup hati untuk dia

Do not close your heart for him for so long


Sampai kapan kamu mencari,

How long will you look for him,


Yang lebih baik takkan habis,

The best one is endless


Mungkin dia teman baikmu yang hingga kini menunggumu

Perhaps he’s your close friend who are waiting for you


‘Tuk membuka hati…

To open up your heart…

*Kembali ke awal

*Back to the first line


Images credits:



Word translation thanks to: U-Dictionary 

Words checked by: Grammarly Keyboard

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