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Showing posts with label own opinion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label own opinion. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 01, 2021

You Are Not My Manager, You Are My Leader

 Hello, everyone!

It is a time for us to share with you our opinion. Likely, what we have posted before: What Employee Think About Your Company? and The Advantage of HR Personnel. Of course, you can read them later after you complete reading this post.


We guess what we are going to share with you here just like the experiences that she got when she had a job in the year 2017- a year that had made her grown-up. She had told us, I and Yingshan, about her Ex-Manager in the company. Until now, she keeps thinking that her Ex-Manager was the best leader she ever had. She said The Manager could be an idealistic person, but also she could be a real person. The manager could be someone who delegates her team well and lead the team just like a best friend who supports each other. A best friend? Is it really exist?


She said her Manager once was offered a Sales&Marketing Head Division by the CEO. But, she refused it. Because she didn’t have any experience in the marketing industry. Nevertheless, approximately in half and a year later, the CEO offered her again to be a Finance/Accounting and Administration Head Division. Fortunately, she accepted it. She said the position was suitable for her since she had experienced as a Financial System Business Consultant. Because of that, she also had a double job in the company: a Finance/Accounting and Administration Head Division and a Business Consultant. Can you imagine how tiring is it? But, she could negotiate her worktime with the CEO. It worked! Unfortunately, she decided to resign since she wanted to maximalize her potential in the political section. Well, it is her decision.


Hereby, some of the examples she shares with us refer to her Ex-Manager’s attitude at the time. Let’s decide if these ones are referred to the Leader or Managers.


1. She is telling not asking

Our supervisors usually asking for doing something, both if it is our duties or it is only something that she/she couldn’t handle for a moment. In other words, she would tell us before we do the (additional) task. That’s right! It is what The Ex-Manager of hers did. Perhaps, she thinks about responsibility. She makes an example first, and her team will follow under her control.


2. Let’s discuss and no need to get mad

As long they were teaming each other, she claimed her Ex-Manager never scold them. Or else, someone in the company has never been scolded by her. She always is kind to everyone. When something didn’t work right, she only said: “Hey, something is bothering your mood? Is there something you think about? Here, I listen up”.


3. Never scold a team in the public

It is still related to number two. When personnel in the team make a mistake, she invites the person to comes to the next room and talk to each other. No, she does not get mad. In the next room, what they do is having chat. That is.


4. She has our back to the CEO’s eyes

We work well with her as a teammate and someday a CEO ask they to discuss a job, her Ex-Manager wouldn’t let her team face it by themselves. When she works outside and the CEO is in the office, she asks the team to tell anything they are discussing with her supervisor. The next day, she has a meeting with the CEO and clarifies everything she should do.


5. She knows the ideal things, but also she knows how to be realistic

Being idealistic is good. In our opinion, it is the way we know that everything should be put in the right place. But, if something does not work like what we think, as usual, we cannot defend it as what we want to. We should see it from other perspectives. The Ex-Manager had taught her about it. And, change her mindset about idealism.


Hey, how are they? Do you think about something or someone while you are reading it?

Speaking truthfully, we do not mean to point someone who relates to this post. We want to show you there is a woman who used to be called by Manager. She isn’t an ordinary person to be a Manager. She is truly a Leader. Of course, she and her teammate felt down when their leader left the company.


We hope this post would be your insight to reflect our attitude to each other. Are we already doing something good for other people, or it is make people talk behind us?

Finally, we are done write down our opinion based on what our Author had told us about her inspiring Ex-Manager. Once again, keep something inspirational to get the best version of us in the future. Like what Ally does. Cheers!







Saturday, May 04, 2013

Be Strong, Raffi Ahmad!

Welcome, May!
Akhirnya bulan April-ku berakhir. Ya, setiap permulaan pasti akan ada akhirnya sih. Hehehe.

Anyway, tau dong apa yang mau aku sharing kali ini dilihat dari judulnya.
Yap! It's about multi-talented-host-singer-actor - Raffi Ahmad.
Pastinya udah nggak asing lagi dong sama masalah yang dihadapi Raffi akhir-akhir ini. Apa masalahnya Raffi itu, aku nggak akan bahas disini. Sudah banyak media-media online yang menerangkannya. Cukup dicari sendiri aja ;)

Seperti yang kita semua tau, Raffi udah dibebasin dari pusat rehabilitasi - Lido di Sukabumi, Jawa Barat. Sudah sekitar semingguan Raffi dibebasin. Raffi juga sempat 'disembunyiin' keluarganya dulu, sebelum kembali ke publik. Mungkin sih buat nenangin psikis Raffi-nya sendiri. That's my own opinion.
Kemaren hari Jumat (3 Mei 2013), program musik Dahsyat ngadain segmen Kring-Kring. Ternyataa yang ditelepon itu adalah Raffi Ahmad! Dan itu jadi surprise buat 3 host pagi itu (Olga, Luna, Deni). Pastinya sahabat Dahsyat yang di studio ikutan surprise dong.. Kebetulan aku yang lagi pindah channel RCTI, juga kaget pas denger suara Raffi di telepon. Miss listen his voice in the screen. Kangen itu terbayarkan oleh tim Dahsyat yang menghubungi Raffi dan membiarkan dia berbicara sama 3 hostnya, dan penonton (menyampaikan permintaan maafnya dan rasa terima kasihnya udah selalu didukung orang-orang).
Hari ini - Sabtu (4 Mei 2013), Raffi ngasih surprise lagi! Dia datang ke studio Dahsyat! Awalnya aku nggak ngerti, "ini ngapain lagi sih Dahsyat muterin kenangannya Raffi - sampai terakhir yang Dahsyat Kring-Kring..", ternyataa itu tuh awal munculnya Raffi! Woow! Aku yang dulu pernah ngefans banget sama Raffi - sekarang masih sih, walaupun kadarnya sudah berkurang (banyak) :D, seneng banget liat Raffi muncul di TV lagi! Dia ditemenin mamanya, Tante Amy Qanita. Suasana di studio pas onair itu langsung berubah haru pas Raffi cerita tentang dia yang didera cobaan, dia yang dapat banyak dukungan, dan segala macamnya yang berhubungan dengan pengalaman dia. Jujur, saat itu aku ikut nangis dan udah menghabiskan 2 lembar tisu. Hehehe. Tadi pagi juga - segmen selanjutnya, Raffi langsung nge-host lagi. Nggak banyak yang ngomong sih, mungkin karena dia penyesuaian kembali. Secara beberapa bulan nggak ngomong didepan orang banyak, pasti akan terasa kaku lagi. Tadi pagi memang pagi yang mengharukan banget lah!

Flashback dikit aja deh, awalnya aku nge-fans sama Raffi.
Berawal dari sinetron Doo Bee Doo di RCTI - pertamanya sih nonton gara-gara Dimas Beck. Eh taunya malah jadi suka juga sama Raffi. Alasannya karena Raffi itu keren. Yap! Dia memang ganteng banget kan? (nggak boleh ada yang bantah ini :p)
Penasaran. Aku searching all about Raffi. Dapat lah infonya. Sebelum Doo Bee Doo, Raffi pernah main serial-serial gitu  (cuma judul-judulnya lupa). Oh, pantas aku nggak asing. Habis Doo Bee Doo, semakin banyak lagi film dan sinetronnya. Endingnya tambah suka pas teh Melly Goeslaw gabungin dia ke grup Bukan Bintang Biasa (BBB) bareng Dimas Beck, Ayushita, Laudya Chyntia Bella, dan Chealsea Olivia. Akting Raffi bagus banget pas jadi playboy di film BBB. Makin cintaa!! Hahaha.
Dari dulu fans-nya yang (keliatan) baru sedikit, sampe sekarang udah numpuk kayak pegunungan Himalaya (lebay!), masih suka sih sama Raffi ini. Karena dia keliatan punya pribadi yang menarik (menurut mataku). Oh iya, waktu pertama Raffi ter-grebek, bisa jadi aku adalah salah seorang dari sekian yang nggak percaya Raffi seperti itu. Bukan nyombong ato nge-sok sih, terkadang feeling aku melihat orang 'benar' atau yang nggak, bisa tepat. Hingga beberapa hari Raffi yang masih ditahan di BNN, aku masih nggak percaya. Muncul deh pro-kontra Raffi. Aku langsung 'memasukkan diri' ke yang pro Raffi. Karena ya masih nggak percaya. Makanya, waktu Raffi dibebasin dari Lido dan tadi pagi muncul di TV lagi, aku seneng banget bisa liat dia lagi!

Terus berkarya, kak Raffi!  Lupakan yang udah terjadi, fokus untuk masa depan. Orang-orang sekitarmu masih sayang dan butuh kamu, kak! (hanya pesan dari individu biasa ;) )

"Semua orang pasti punya catatan hitam yang kelam, hanya sebagian orang yang mampu mengubahnya kembali putih dan jernih. Semua kembali jadi pilihan. Menghapus total catatan hitam itu, atau menyisakan sedikit untuk sebuah pembelajaran" - Malika Gustiari

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