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Showing posts with label Rossa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rossa. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Karena Cinta Yang Menemani (Rossa) OST. Susi Susanti: Love All - English Lyric Translation


Karena Cinta Yang Menemani (Because of Love Accompanying Me) (OST. Susi Susanti: Love All) - Rossa

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Disini aku terlahir dalam sebuah ketidaksempurnaan

Hereby, I was born in an incomplete state

Ketakutan yang melemahkanku,

My fright get me debilitated

Dikalahkan mimpi yang kau nyalakan, hidupkan,

Had been lost to your dream that you kindle, make it alive,

Jadi kenyataan,

To become a reality

Tak akan kuragu terus’tuk melangkah…

I won’t be doubt to stay move forward

Karena cinta perjuanganku tak sia-sia,

Because of love my struggle won’t be useless,

Sepenuh hatiku, dayaku telah aku kerahkan

The entire of my heart, my energy has been I given to.

Yakin dan percaya walau ragaku bergetar hebat

Being confident and keep in believe even though my body has powerfully trembled

Kutetap disini, berdiri,

I will be stay here, stand here,

Karena cinta yang menemani…

Because of love accompanying me


Disini kita terlahir sama, tak perlu merasa ada yang berbeda

Hereby, we are born with similiarities, no need to think differently

Setiap jiwa punya harapan dan mimpi yang harus kita

Every soul has a hope and dream that we should

Nyalakan, hidupkan,

Kindle it, make it alive,

Jadi kenyataan,

To become a reality

Tak perlu engkau ragu ‘tuk terus melangkah…

I won’t be doubt to stay move forward


Karena cinta perjuanganku tak sia-sia,

Because of love, my struggle won’t be useless,

Sepenuh hatiku, dayaku telah aku kerahkan

The entire of my heart, my energy has been I given to.

Yakin dan percaya walau ragaku bergetar hebat

Being confident and keep in belief even though my body has powerfully trembled

Kutetap disini, berdiri,

I will be stay here, stand here,

Karena cinta yang menemani…

Because of love accompanying me

Get to know about Wang Tzu Wei (Taiwan) here

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