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Showing posts from February, 2021

The Cousin Type Based on Jurnal Risa Team Personnel Characters [PREFACE]

 Hi Readers, Before you read this post further, let me ask you some questions. And you can answer them only in your mind. 1. Do you have siblings? 2. How close your relationship between you? 3. How many cousins do you have? 4. Who is your cousin close to you? 5. Do you know your cousins well? 6. Can you mention your cousins' image characters?   Alright.  Have you thought about those questions? And, have you got the answer? If you could answer all of those questions, then I congrats to you. That means you already know your whole—I mean, your cousins well. Congratulations and keep it up! However, if you are still in doubt about one thing, I will give you hints for that. I will sort the type of our cousin personalities which it will probably exist almost big family.   Disclaimer: a. I don’t know if every family has some types likely what I post here, but I will reflect the JurnalRisa’s team personnel’s characteristics to my cousins' type; b. All of the Jurn

Dear Bosses, what your new employees think about your company?

Dear Bosses, I will represent your new employees or some fresh graduates thinking when they enter your company for doing their first experience of work. I understand if these ones can not highly relate to your company since every company has its own standard of operation (SOP), right? But, I hope you got some insight about what your employee wants as they work under your company, likely the facilities they will get, and the pride to work in the organization. I guess this is the reason how important a Human Resources (HR) staff’s duty in the company. They will keep the company's reputation in the public by recruiting good employees and provide the best support system for the employees inside the office building.   Hereby, I do not talk from an HR point of view . But, I used to handle HR administration and recruit one or two new staff. I want to share some insights from new staffs when they enter the door’s company on their first day of work.   Disclaimer : It is all about

Kepoin Figur Publik #GetToKnow - Akbar Bintang Cahyono/Winny Oktavina Kandow (Part 2)

  Let I tell you the young man who been Winny Oktavina Kandow’s partner in the court. His name is Akbar Bintang Cahyono , who was born in Sukoharjo on April 14, 1996. Similar to Winny, he got the chance to join the national team (PBSI) in early 2017 after he won the Djarum Sirkuit Nasional, one of the biggest Indonesian badminton tournament for the Juniors. Akbar BC had won it three times in 2009, 2015, and in the year 2017. In 2017, he won Djarum Sirkuit Nasional in the Men Doubles section and had won third place in Mixed Doubles sections. In the same year, he also won the National Championship and been paired up with Winny Oktavina Kandow. Alright, I won’t re-write all of his achievements in the Mixed Doubles section paired up with Winny. It is similar to Winny’s, of course. I will continue to write about his achievement in the Men Double section. In MD section, Akbar got paired up with Giovany Dicky Oktavan. W hen he joined the national team in 2017. The best achievement whe

Sudahkah? (By: Eclat) - English Lyric Translation

  Song tittle: Sudahkah? / Have Been Done?  By: Eclat Banyak yang bilang berdua itu lebih baik daripada sendiri, Some people said that in two together is better than alone,   Saat kau sedih ada sang kekasih yang mewarnai hari, When you are sad, there is a lover who will colour your day,   Membuat wajahmu berseri, merubah kelammu menjadi pelangi, Make your face smile, changing your sorrow become a rainbow,   Sudahkau kau temukan dia? Sudahkah kau menemukan dirinya? Have you found him? Have you got him?   Janganlah kamu lama lama, menutup hati untuk dia Do not close your heart for him for so long   Sampai kapan kamu mencari, How long will you look for him,   Yang lebih baik takkan habis, The best one is endless   Mungkin dia teman baikmu yang hingga kini menunggumu Perhaps he’s your close friend who are waiting for you   ‘Tuk membuka hati… To open up your heart… *Kembali ke awal *Back to the first line *** Images credits: -

Kepoin Figur Public #GetToKnow [Repost] - Winny Oktavina Kandow/Akbar Bintang Cahyono (Part 1)

Hello, Readers! Let me introduce you guys to our Indonesian youngsters, Indonesian badminton players, they play on mixed double section, and they have been paired up since 2017, or earlier (CMIIW…). They may aren’t familiar yet to you. But, I believe they are going to get famous as long their best achievements in the future. So that, I’ll let you know them first. For Indonesian badminton lovers, I think you guys already know them before they had separated for one year in 2019. The young lady had paired up with Indonesian senior players, and the young man had been focused in the Men Double section. Unfortunately, the year isn’t their lucky moment yet like before the time. Then, in early 2020, when Tontowi Ahmad decided to retired, his new partner in XD section (after Liliyana Natsir retired), Winny Oktavina Kandow being paired up again with her previous partner.  I’ll start with the young lady named Winny Oktavina Kandow . She was born on October 14 th , 1998, in South Minahasa, Nor